Google Duo, the company's video calling mobile app, has been spotted on Android with new capabilities that let Duo users make calls to other users who do not have the app installed on their smartphones. This feature has been spotted only on Android. It appears to be a result of Google Duo merging into Play Services, although there is no official confirmation on that front.A Reddit user with username 'turdbogis' commented on a thread mentioning that a Nexus 6P unit, without the Google Duo app installed, was showing up as having Duo installed on another phone. The user also noted that he was able to make a Duo call to this Nexus 6P. Google Duo usually displays two lists - one with the names of users who have installed the app and the other with names of people who haven't. The second list assigns an Invite button in front of the users.The Reddit user also claimed that a sudden increase in users in the first list indicates that this feature is relatively new and might be because either Google Duo is now an Instant App or is a part of Google Play Services. "Duo will be a default calling service on all Android phones with Google services," said username wgn_luv on Reddit.
Another comment on the thread noted that Google Duo compatibility is now part of the stock Android Dialer and allows calls to non-Duo users. Once the call is over, apparently, the other person is invited to install Duo. App Preview Messaging could be another reason behind the rollout. Google Allo is said to have supported App Preview Messaging since launch, albeit with a different UI, reports Android Police.
The OnePlus flagship smartphone is in the news even though nothing significant about it has been leaked so far. The upcoming OnePlus smartphone was discussed by company CEO Pete Lau at CES 2018, with the smartphone's key feature and launch window being discussed. The second flagship of the year - something we have come to expect from the company owing to OnePlus 3T and 5T - was discussed too.
In an interview with CNET at CES 2018, Pete Lau announced that the next flagship phone from OnePlus (OnePlus 6?) will be unveiled in the latter part of Q2 2018, and will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC, because "there's no other choice". He also said that the Chinese phone maker will initiate talks with US telecom carriers for probable partnerships in the coming months. Additionally, Lau stated that "he wasn't 100 percent sure if OnePlus would sell a second phone in 2018".
In 2017, the company launched the OnePlus 5 and the OnePlus 5T.On the sidelines of CES 2018, Pete Lau also confirmed that a beta version for Face Unlock will soon arrive on the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T. This development was earlier teased by OnePlus Global Director Carl Pei. "The only thing we can do now is to keep a humble approach," said Pete Lau when asked on his views of incorporating AI (artificial intelligence) as a part of the software experience on smartphones.Ever since its inception, OnePlus has been pushing up to higher price segments with every smartphone generation. While the OnePlus One was launched in the sub-Rs. 25,000 price range, the OnePlus 5T was priced in the sub-Rs. 40,000 price segment.
BSNL has increased the validity of its unlimited call and data packs of Rs. 186, Rs. 187, Rs. 349, Rs. 429, Rs. 485, and Rs. 666 to please its prepaid subscribers. With the latest development, the state-owned telecom giant is offering as a long validity as 129 days for unlimited voice calls, SMS, and up to 1.5GB of data.
The revised BSNL packs of Rs. 186, Rs. 187, Rs. 349, and Rs. 429 now offer 1GB of data per day for 28 days, 28 days, 54 days, and 81 days, respectively. The Rs. 485 and Rs. 666 packs, on the other hand, come with 1.5GB of data per day with a validity of 90 and 129 days, respectively. It is worth noting that each of the new BSNL pack includes unlimited local, STD, and roaming calls (excluding Mumbai and Delhi regions) alongside the 100 SMS limit, which is applicable to unlimited packs offered by other telcos in the country as well.Unlike BSNL's new packs, Reliance Jio is offering 1GB data per day for 28 days along with unlimited local, STD, and roaming calls at Rs. 149. Jio subscribers are also provided with the upgraded Rs. 349 pack that offers similar benefits for 70 days. The Mumbai-based operator is also offering 1.5GB data per day for 28 days at Rs. 198, while the Rs. 498 pack offers identical data quota for 91 days.